
About Me

I'm a self confessed young foodie who enjoys making and most of all eating almost anything. You won't find any food snobbery here. I do have a very soft spot for takeaway food, Chinese, Indian, Thai ... you name it! Although I do try to use the best things possible for food produced at home and I pledge to get better at using independent suppliers and shops whenever possible.

Having been born and raised in the countryside, I find that is one of my biggest passions. Rearing and growing the things that end up on the table has got to be one of the most enjoyable parts of the whole process.

As a male, I naturally enjoy beer and meat above all else! I try to visit as many food festivals, markets and other events. I'm a business owner and I take an interest in the commercial side of food and drink production as well as the 'just for fun' side.... I'm always looking for potential business opportunities.

On my blog you will find most of my ramblings about the food and drink which I enjoy making. Along with other things which take my fancy along the way..

Rest assured, only my most interesting projects and discoveries will make it onto this blog!

Here's a few things I'm planning to dabble with....

- Home Brewing - Elderberry wine, cider and other foraged brews. Then maybe a beer for Christmas...

- Butchery Class - Booking this for some time in November at Hobbs House Bakery owned by the honest blokes off "The Fabulous Baker Brothers" from the Channel 4 TV series...

- Charcuterie - With access to some home reared pigs, I've been dying to make some Cotswold Chorizo! Watch this space....

Christmas - Pretty much the single most exciting time of year for any foodie! I'll be visiting as many shows and markets as possible to get the lowdown on what's cooking / brewing. Expect some updates from local producers and some of my own recipes and ideas for Christmas!

That's all for now!

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